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Peirrce M.
Aug 02, 2024
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Peirrce M.
Oct 25, 2021
In General Discussion
High schoolers in southern Illinois seem to think so… Here is a survey created and issued to the student body. Check out the name of the association, this is something to think about. I pray the children of Delaware are more tolerant. Link to full article below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Do you think we should use a separate bathroom? Why or why not?
Peirrce M.
Oct 20, 2021
In General Discussion
Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminist Learn about TERFs…. Are you one?
According to article How to Spot a Terf: HOW DO WE SPOT IT? Terf ideology uses a lot of the same phrases and tropes, which often seem innocuous on the surface but are actually being used as dogwhistles for transphobia and transmisogyny. Overall, terf ideology hides itself in feminist language, often claiming to support trans rights while actually working to undermine them. ● “Gender critical”, discussed above; terfs also often dub themselves “biological women” or “adult human females”, and frequently highlight biological and anatomical signifiers such as “XX” (denoting chromosomes) and parts of reproductive anatomy. ● “RadFem”; terf ideology calls itself “radical feminism” after its origins in parts of the feminist ‘second wave’ and its opposition to what it sees as “liberal feminist” positions of trans inclusion, although in reality there’s nothing “radical” about biological essentialism. ● Certain waves of terf ideology have attempted to separate trans people out from the rest of the LGBT+ community, so you might see references to the “LGB community” or “drop the T”. ● Terfs often dub trans people and their allies the “transgender lobby” or “cult of transgenderism”. ● They tend to dislike the term “cis” (non-trans), and often argue that the term ‘terf’ itself is “hate speech”, or a “misogynistic/lesbophobic slur”. ● Current terf discourse places a lot of focus on trans children, perpetuating myths that children are being given surgery and hormones (“transing children is child abuse!”). ● Another terf trope is painting trans women as predators who want access to women’s spaces so that they can harass and sexually assault cis women. WHAT DOES TRANS-INCLUSIVE FEMINISM LOOK LIKE? - Centring the voices of trans women and transfeminine people - Not making assumptions re: gender and appearance - Taking on the labour on trans women’s issues (e.g. admission to women’s colleges) - Knowing that not all women share any given biological/anatomical trait or experience - Collectively/mutually educating one another, unlearning gendered expectations together - Recognising that the ‘sex binary’ is a colonial fiction created to oppress trans, queer, and gender-non-conforming people (esp. of indigenous genders), and people of colour as a whole, as well as women - Refusing to allow terf ideology any ground. Truly radical, materialist feminism based on intersectional class-based analysis Share your thoughts!!
Peirrce M.
Oct 20, 2021
In Questions & Answers
Here is the link to this article: What are your thoughts? Also read Why can’t we say “woman” anymore? by Rosie Dimanno Other viewpoints: Another Article:
Peirrce M.
Oct 17, 2021
In General Discussion
The U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement directed her to Bethany Christian Services, the only entity participating in the program in her area and a sub-grantee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which receives federal funds to provide foster care services. Bethany had a longstanding policy of refusing to allow LGBTQ parents to apply to foster or adopt, which prevented Easter from applying last year…..., (taken from article) Luckily Delaware allows LGBTQ couples to adopt even though; we are still socially judged. What are your thoughts? Awareness starts with us…. How do we address the importance of LGBTQ families?
Peirrce M.
Oct 15, 2021
In General Discussion
Leggo is returning to Gender Free Toys Copy and Paste Link or Click Photo Above
There are plenty other videos and information on the web about this topic. Please share your thought 💭
Something to consider, the world is changing in favor of LGBTQ+. Will there be backlash and if asked about this topic how would you address it? What are the people thinking? Here is a video posted by Star. I like to listen to alt media just to see what the thoughts of everyday people are towards topics.
Peirrce M.
Oct 15, 2021
In General Discussion
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Peirrce M.
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